Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thing 9 - Sharing Slides, Photos, Databases

This "Thing" is so cool I had to try it 3 times! I used Slideshare to do this thing.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thing 8 - Communication Web 2.0 Style

This "Thing" I am familiar with, as I have used it to communicate with friends and relatives. It is another new way to give information to our patrons, but would require a dedicated person or two to man the IM requests.
Text Messaging I don't care for. My daughter will text me, but I would rather use the cell phone.
I haven't had the opportunity to use Opal, but it sounds interesting.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thing 7 - Online Image Generators

This "Thing" was a lot of fun and not as frustrating as the last. Letter James was so much more user friendly than Spell with Flickr. As you can see I actually got it to work!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thing 6 - Flickr Mashups

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This "Thing" (so far) is taking the most time to figure out. I am still unable to complete the spell with Flickr section, however Flickr photo puzzels worked. It sounds like everyone at this branch of the libary is also unable to accomplish the spell with Flicker task - so I don't feel so bad. If someone does figure it out, I will come back and "Spell with Flickr" on my blog.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thing 5 - Flickr

This "Thing" could take a while to play with and get perfected! I did sign up with any account and will use it to complete some of the "things" with my Blog. However, I'm not ready to upload my personal photos. When I get time I will explore the others that were suggested like Picasa Web Albums and Smugmug.